Our products are shipped worldwide
Our customers are mainly in Scandinavia and almost all our products are exported to the rest of the world
Through customers’ often worldwide operations you will nowadays find products made by Liedholms everywhere on land and at sea, and almost all over the world.
Our customers come from a variety of segments, where the most common are marine, food processing and process industries. We work with a number of world leading companies and brands.
Last year we for instance manufactured hundreds of larger pressure vessel to our customer, and they have later been installed around the world with their end-customer. They can be found in power plants, factories, on oil platforms or aboard ships. Therefore, we are used to working internationally at for instance project meetings, inspections, test and certifications. It is common with factory visits by delegates from the USA, Europe and Asia.
Our customers appreciate our support through the whole process when needed and our professionalism when it comes to customer relations, customer’s customer and other suppliers.